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a moment of reflection on all things breastfeeding

You may have caught my little rant over on stories about a blocked milk duct I had a couple of weeks back. 
Spoiler alert: it hurts like hell. But it also made me realise something.
Breastfeeding is kinda like driving a car. You get your first car (aka baby) and you have to learn to drive. It’s a learned skill and the more you do it, the better you get at it. Soon enough you’re a natural! But your car can still have a flat tire occasionally (blocked milk duct) or even break down every so often (mastitis). And just because you’ve been driving forever or it’s your 1st, 2nd or 3rd car, doesn’t mean you still won’t have car issues.
So I’m trying to keep this in mind along my breastfeeding journey with Eitan and remind myself that there are ups and downs - and no plain way to get from A to B.