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next chapter

I'm very excited to share with you my upgraded website. We are saying goodbye to Shardette (my blogger alias for the last 6ish years) and hello to Sharday Engel.

It's kinda symbolic actually. When I was writing the blog under Shardette, everything was treated as a hobby, side project and almost as if I was only putting half of myself into it. I was hiding behind my alias. To be truthful, I used my nickname Shardette when starting this blog all those years ago (when style blogging just began) to hide my real identity. Back then I was still a little unsure about putting my face and name out there in case someone stalked me (haha as if).

But now we're moving onto the next chapter - Sharday Engel. That's my real name (well married name) and that's going to be how it is. A lot more real. A lot more personal. And I'm going to get a helluva lot more invested in this site. You're going to see things that constitute my real life including style, motherhood and travel. Expect more outfit posts alongside baby style, motherhood tidbits and of course travel as my husband and I have family spread out across the globe. I look forward to taking you along for the ride and can't wait to hear your thoughts & ideas.

x SE