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The importance of a girl gang.

No I'm not talking T.Swift style music video's. I'm talking true friendship. 

I'm going to share the story of how the three of us met. My husband and I moved to Canada almost 4 years ago for his work as an Animator. We had never visited Vancouver before and had no friendship circle set up upon arrival. Off Av went to work and I stayed home for what I would describe the most boring two weeks of my life. It was peak Winter, rainy, dreary and depressing outside, and I'd already burned through all my Netflix options. Screw this I thought, I'm going to get myself a job, make some friends & work on my blog. So exactly that I did.

I emailed a handful of bloggers after a quick 'Vancouver Fashion Blogger' search on Google and came across this European beauty called Leonie. Email sent. We agreed to a casual coffee meet up but kept missing each other due to travel or previous plans made. One night I was coming home, heading up to the 21st floor in the elevator when I hear "Are you Shardette?" (my old blogger alias circa 2010). What are the chances, that we lived in the same building!? 

And a few weeks later I was lucky to be introduced to Leonie's good friend Randa and the rest is history. Our little girl gang comprising of a koala, brown bear & a lion. It's almost 4 years since we all met and although we're not living on the same continent, one thing remains: support. These girls are as supportive as can be. Whether it comes to blog/influencer advice, relationship advice or career advice, these girls have got my back. We can have a laugh, we can have a cry (usually Leonie :P) and we can truly be there for one another.

My advice is get yourself a girl gang & cherish them dearly.

x Sharday

Photos: Jeremy Wong

P.s. For more on what I'm wearing head over to my solo shoot here